Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bajan bits'n pieces

The Paling

A dominant feature of local villagescape is the corrugated-metal fencing enclosing many properties, referred to as paling. Enjoying extended life, these steel sheets, commonly know as ‘galvanize’ were formerly roofing panels that have become worn, especially around the rusting nail-holes where leaking would have occurred.

Becoming unsuitable for roof cover, they are recycled to provide no-cost security and privacy to one’s property. Sometimes painted but more often not, palings were occasionally the target for stone throwing lads, who delighted in the loud bang created by stone-paling contact. By the time the resident came out to investigate, the boys were long gone!

This most unique paling caught my eye. Titled 'Paling Pieces', it was taken at Martin's Bay, St John, a rural seaside community.

A cover-up.

The approach of the Christmas season sees increased activity around the house as we prepare for seasonal visits and family get-togethers. Airing of cushions is one of the 'spring cleaning' activities associated with the season. This off-the-road vehicle comes in handy in the sunning process.

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